- 研究業績
Yamauchi Y., Hishida A., Okada T. and Mochizuki A. (2024) Finding regulatory modules of chemical reaction systems. Phys. Rev. Research 6, 023150.
- 研究業績
Hishida A., Okada T. and Mochizuki A. (2024) Patterns of change in regulatory modules of chemical reaction systems induced by network modification. PNAS nexus, 3(1), pgad441.
- 研究業績
Ishikawa M., Sugino S., Masuda Y., Tarumoto Y., Seto Y., Taniyama N., Wagai F., Yamauchi Y., Kojima Y., Kiryu H., Yusa K., Eiraku M., Mochizuki A. (2023) RENGE infers gene regulatory networks using time-series single-cell RNA-seq data with CRISPR perturbations. Communications Biology, 6(1), 1290.
- 研究業績
- 研究業績
Kinoshita A, Naito M., Wang Z., Inoue Y., Mochizuki A. and Tsukaya H. (2022) Position of meristems and the angles of the cell division plane regulate the uniqueness of lateral organ shape. Development 149(23), dev199733.
- 研究業績
Yamauchi Y., Hishida A., Okada T. and Mochizuki A. (2024) Finding regulatory modules of chemical reaction systems. Phys. Rev. Research 6, 023150.
- 研究業績
Hishida A., Okada T. and Mochizuki A. (2024) Patterns of change in regulatory modules of chemical reaction systems induced by network modification. PNAS nexus, 3(1), pgad441.
- 研究業績
Ishikawa M., Sugino S., Masuda Y., Tarumoto Y., Seto Y., Taniyama N., Wagai F., Yamauchi Y., Kojima Y., Kiryu H., Yusa K., Eiraku M., Mochizuki A. (2023) RENGE infers gene regulatory networks using time-series single-cell RNA-seq data with CRISPR perturbations. Communications Biology, 6(1), 1290.
- 研究業績
- 研究業績
Kinoshita A, Naito M., Wang Z., Inoue Y., Mochizuki A. and Tsukaya H. (2022) Position of meristems and the angles of the cell division plane regulate the uniqueness of lateral organ shape. Development 149(23), dev199733.